Target group

Developers and (technical) consultants


There is always some space between the 3 days of this training. You are expected to perform specified exercises in the intervening time. This takes a considerable amount of time (4-8 hours at a time).

Preliminary Knowledge

Knowledge at the level of course Microsoft Dynamics NAV2018 Introduction (N18-INT) is required.

The trainer is very competent and very knowledgeable about Dynamics NAV, both the current and previous versions and the differences between them. In my opinion, the course is excellently structured, with the trainer providing a lot of explanation, with breaks in between to let things sink in. In addition, there is ample opportunity to sit at the controls yourself to immediately put the knowledge you have just acquired into practice. The pace of the course is fine, especially for beginners who haven't seen the development environment before.
Renco Lubbers, Consultant bij Xperit Solutions B.V.


  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV Development Environment
  • C/AL programming
  • Microsoft Dynamics NAV Objects:
    • Tables
    • Pages
    • Reports
    • XMLports
    • CodeUnits
    • Queries