Our vision and mission

The implementation of new business software is profound for each organization. The project involves a large number of people and resources and the results often become apparent only upon completion.

At Mprise, we know that your success lies in the expert use and smart adoption of the software by your employees. Employees who grasp the potential. It is their self-sufficiency and self-reliance, which ensures that they make optimum use of the prospects you offer.

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Everything we do is focused on this. Our training, service desk, products, knowledge and services; the development of your people and your business process is our priority. All for your growth!


Our organization

Hundreds of companies and organizations in all sectors have been relying on Mprise since 1991 for support in using their Dynamics Software. With our workforce, 90 strong, we work for and with customers from offices in Veenendaal and Bleiswijk. In Veenendaal, Mprise Academy has a modern training center. Since 2014, Mprise has her own Mprise Agriware software, specifically for the national and international horticultural sector.

Our core values

The following values are very important for Mprise:


Improving and innovating always takes place in close cooperation with customers. In the end, it is all about ensuring the value of the business process. Who else, for that matter, is the expert in business operations other than the customer himself? Mprise contributes to this by providing software and supportive knowledge.

We find software development and knowledge transfer a multi-faceted pursuit. Hence, the keyword ‘together’ at Mprise! Only through the cooperation of competent colleagues, customers can be genuinely supported.


Mprise aims for results. Inextricably associated with it, is the sense of bearing responsibility for tasks carried out. Customers can count on us when it comes to that and they have the right to do so.

Employees do not just perform tasks; they take responsibility for the results as well. Mprise encourages ownership at the employee level.


We do not like wasting energy. Mprise believes that customers are better off with ‘reuseable’ or 'standard' products and services. In many cases, standard solutions yield much more in the long run, as opposed to specific solutions for the customer.

Of course, there should always be room for customized solutions. However, Mprise employees will always be encouraged to think about generic solutions for customers.