The Agriware team in the United States, Canada and Latin America is expanding! A few months ago we introduced Teresa Quijano and Daniel Piz Estrada. At the moment, Biiniza Perez Niño and Mariam Ruiz are in the Netherlands for their Agriware training. They will work as consultants for our clients overseas. We would like to introduce them to you!

Mariam and Biiniza, could you tell us a bit more about yourself?

Mariam Biiniza


Biiniza (right): “I’m Biiniza Perez Niño, I live in Mérida, Mexico. I studied Biology at the university of Yucatán, and then a Master's degree in Wildlife Management and Conservation at the University of Reading, in the United Kingdom. I've been working in research and investigation in different projects for the last five years, focusing on pollination and chemical defenses of plants.


That was my first experience working in small greenhouses. I also worked together in projects with Teresa Quijano, who is now my colleague at Mprise.”


Mariam (left): “My name is Mariam Ruiz. I am a Biotechnology Engineer, with a master's degree in Plant Breeding at the WUR (Agricultural University in Wageningen, The Netherlands). I love data so I worked at two companies doing data management and analytics. I also worked at a greenhouse in Mexico, where I analysed and visualized data. I live in Queretaro, Mexico, near Daniel Piz Estrada who also works for Mprise.”


How has your time in The Netherlands been?

“We have been here now for two months”, says Biiniza. “For me it has been incredible, because I had never been in The Netherlands before. It was great to see the biking lanes, I heard about them but had never seen them. We went to several places by bicycle, which felt like the ultimate Dutch experience! There was no cultural shock, because I used to live in de UK, which is a bit similar. Everybody has been so nice and welcoming, offering help. So it has been a great experience.”

“For me it was also a completely new experience, even though I studied in The Netherlands”, adds Mariam. “In those days I was doing my master's and worried about it. I also mainly met international students back then. To work for a Dutch company is completely different and it was a really nice surprise for me. I also got to meet up with some people from my studies, who stayed here and found jobs in Dutch companies.”


What will you be doing for Mprise Agriware?

“We will be consultants, helping customers implementing Agriware”, explains Mariam. “We will work from home a lot, especially while we are still in training. Later we will be visiting clients as well.”

Biiniza: “I’m going to start to help Teresa with her clients, this is mainly about the production of young vegetables, as a start.”

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From left to right: Mariam Ruiz, Sander Paternotte (Consulting Director), Biiniza Perez Niño.

How is your area of expertise (plant science) connected to IT?

“So far, it has been interesting. For me it is different from what I used to do”, says Biiniza. “But I’m learning a lot and I am amazed by everything you can do with an ERP system. This afternoon we will visit a high tech greenhouse to see how it works over there, I am excited about that. So that I can make the complete connection between the work in the greenhouse and the IT.”

Mariam adds: “For me the connection with IT is a bit more obvious, since I have been following courses in programming during my master’s degree and later by myself. Learning about data and helping clients find solutions, is something I really like. To help them save time and resources, that is the best part for me. In my previous work, in a greenhouse, I was involved with designing and implementing an ERP system. I think it is great to work for an actual ERP company now.”


Is there anything you would like to say to the clients of Agriware?

Mariam: “The system, Agriware 365, will help you get to the next step; take data-driven decisions. In a few years, the working conditions will not be like today. We all need to optimize our resources and be more sustainable. We are happy to help you with that.”

Biiniza, smiling: “Dutch people know their way around high tech agriculture, so you will be in good hands at Agriware!”


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