Microsoft code

Target group
Everyone (management, project group members, application managers, key-users) who uses / start using Microsoft Dynamics   AX2012.
This course is particularly recommended (as prerequisite) for participants who will participate in 1 of the other AX2012 courses as well.

This course provides an overview of how you support your business administration and business processes through AX2012. From this perspective, AX2012 is positioned within the total suite of Microsoft solutions.

This introduction is much more than a "button course": an overview of AX2012 is offered:

  • The underlying logistical and financial concepts are explained (multi-company, multi-site, shared data).
  • The structure of AX2012 is explained (which business functions are supported?)
  • The user interface is discussed: how do you work effectively and efficiently with AX2012? What are modules, how are the forms build-up, etc.
  • How do you manage your business processes by using from AX2012? In other words: how do you disclose information, how do you report and analyze the data?

Under the guidance of an experienced course leader, a solid foundation is laid by explaining, demonstrating and exercising AX2012: after this course you have a good understanding of the value, structure and concepts of AX2012.

This course only requires global knowledge of ERP and Windows.


  • Vision of Microsoft and positioning AX2012 within the total product suite;
  • The basic concepts of AX2012;
  • The business processes as supported by AX2012;
  • Working with AX2012;
  • Reporting and analyzing information

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